Is TRT The Key To Ageing Better?

Is TRT The Key To Ageing Better?

An increasing number of people are interested in a preventive approach to their health in order to stay in good health and have a better quality of life when they get older. Medical treatment, which is particularly advantageous for this – especially for men – is testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

What is Trt?

Let’s start with testosterone first. Testosterone is a kind of hormone. Although it occurs in both men and women, it is more often connected to men. Testosterone plays a really important role in many functions in the body, from red blood cell production and muscle mass to fertility and cognitive function. Women have much lower testosterone levels than men, but it is equally important when it comes to maintaining good health.

The testosterone replacement therapy, also referred to as a TRT, contains replacement or restore of low testosterone levels in order to bring them back to “normal” when they are exhausted.

TRT is more common for men. Although the list of symptoms with low testosterone is long, some of the first symptoms that men may notice: low libido and sexual function, bad energy levels, reduced muscle mass, weight gain in the stomach, hair loss, insomnia and low mood. These symptoms can strongly influence the quality of life and not exclusively affect older men. In fact, many younger men can have a low testosterone level.

Isn’t there just steroids?

Technically speaking testosterone is a kind of steroid that is of course produced in the body. The company has given steroids a bad reputation thanks to its abuse by bodybuilders. It is quite common for people to assume that TRT corresponds to a non -regulated steroid to deal with the gym, but this is not the case at all.

In fact, TRT is a carefully managed and monitored treatment, the aim of which is to restore the degraded values ​​of what you should be or what is “normal” for the individual. The aim is not to increase the values ​​through what is “normal”. This is monitored by a doctor who is an expert in hormones.

A good hormone clinic will not only treat testosterone levels, but also the entire hormonal cascade including estrogen, progesterone, human growth hormone and more to ensure that everyone is synchronized.

How does TRT help aging?

With age we experience an age -related decline in hormones. This leads to the signs that we usually associate aging – thinner and less elastic skin, less energy, weight gain, poor bone health, loss of muscle mass and cognitive decline. By restoring the testosterone mirror and or maintaining the normal testosterone mirror, when you get older, this means that the signs of aging are not experienced so quickly and help you to stay healthier and get a better quality of life in old age.

Testosterone is most commonly connected to the sex drive and it is not surprising to discover that libido – or the lack of it – may be one of the most striking effects of low testosterone for men. Many people with low testosterone often report poor erection quality, lack of sexual desire and difficulties in achieving sexual satisfaction.

A surprising – but really important influence of low testosterone is the effect on bone health, especially when we get older. Testosterone is strongly associated with bone health and can help grow healthy bones and maintain. Low testosterone levels were associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis by reduced bone mineral density. Fractures are one of the most common causes of injuries to older adults with more than one fourth person aged 65 or older falls per year. This is almost always accidental, for example stumbling or sliding on the floor. The problem with this is that broken bones can be the beginning of serious health concerns and can lead to disabilities. Unfortunately, older patients with a hip fracture die almost four times more often than the general population within one year after the operation (Parker and Johansen, 2006).

If you want to read more about it, you can see this overview of testosterone and bone health, which was published in the clinical interventions in the aging journal.

Apart from an age -related decline, what can affect a man’s testosterone level?

It is not just an age that can affect a person’s testosterone level. In fact, there are certain lifestyle decisions, medication and other health states that are to blame.

These can include:

  • Injuries of the testicles
  • Chemotherapy medication
  • Certain antidepressant medication
  • Type -2 -Diabetes
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Problems with the pituitary or hypothalamus

When it comes to lifestyle, testosterone levels can be influenced by overweight, alcohol consumption, stress smoking and even lack of sleep. Although the connection between weight and testosterone levels is not clear, research clearly shows a correlation between the two. Research in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism by Tajar et al. (2010) showed that obese men have around 30% lower testosterone levels than men with normal weight.

Use TRT as part of a balanced plan to live better

Testosterone replacement therapy is often best combined with a holistic approach to improve your health. By this we think we consider all aspects of your life and make small changes to achieve a greater overall effect. This can mean that nutrition and alcohol consumption are moderating and other personalized lifestyle recommendations such as intestinal health and more are considered.

If you have a combination of the symptoms mentioned above or may only be interested in taking preventive measures to ensure that you have a better quality of life in old age, you can benefit from testosterone replacement therapy. The best way to discover TRT in Great Britain is to provide advice with an experienced hormonologist who can discuss your own individual goals and medical history so that you can then set up a long -term health optimization plan for you.


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