Australian Partner Visa: New Life Together

Australian Partner Visa: New Life Together

You and your lover believe that they are created for each other and want to spend their lives together.

The fear and uncertainty in connection with your partner’s Australian visa can overshadow the joy of shifting to overseas. Our specialist knowledge can help you satisfy the success criterion.

Be justified:

Marriage, engagement or de facto life are necessary. Every partner visa application requires documentation of a real and committed connection. The applicant can submit an application in Australia (820/801) or overseas (309/100). The applicant can remain in a bridging visa while processing his application in Australia. Offshore candidates must apply for engagement visa (300).

PartnerVisa contain two steps. First apply for a temporary visa, followed by a permanent visa. The sponsor of two international partners requires a 5-year interval between the applications.

How does the Australian partner visa work?

Sponsoring needs an Australian or New Zealand citizens’ companion. Your partner may not be able to sponsor you if he has sponsored another partner in the past five years.

Marriage, commitment, registered partnership or a de facto relationship are required.

If married:

Your visa requirements must enable you to apply for a partner visa in Australia. Your marriage must be legal in Australia. A valid marriage in another country is usually recognized by Australian law. As a husband and wife, you and her partner have to commit themselves without others. You and your partner have to live together or have a short separation.

What happens next?

If the assessment officer believes that you are in a real relationship and meet all other conditions, you will receive a temporary partner visa to stay in Australia until your permanent visa is approved. Permanent visa applications can be made two years after the first application. Permanent residence visa is issued if you can prove that the connection is continuous and real.

If you have been married in a DE FACTO union for three years or more or have a child out of the relationship, you may receive temporary and permanent visas at the same time.

Offshore pair planning wedding

To legally marry in Australia, you must be outside the country during the application and decision-making process.

The fiance must be an Australian, constant resident or justified New Zealand citizen. The marriage date of an Australian or international wedding authority as well as evidence that you and your fiance got to know and trust.

What happens next?

If the assessment officer believes that you are in a legitimate relationship and conclude all other conditions, you will receive a prospective spouse (subclass 300). You have to marry your sponsor within nine months after the visa acceptance. As soon as you are married, you can apply for an onshore partner visa (820/801) within 9 months of receiving a sub -class -300 visa. You have to be in Australia while you have submitted and set your application. If the evaluation officer believes that you have a real connection and complete all other conditions, you will receive a preliminary partner visa to stay in Australia. The temporary partner visa is valid until the permanent visa is determined. Permanent residence documents can be submitted two years after the provisional partner visa was issued. Permanent residence visa are issued if you can prove that the connection is continuous and real. If you have been married for three years or have lived in a DE FACTO partnership, or if you have a child out of the relationship, you can at the same time apply for temporary and temporary and apply.

If at least 12 months in a de facto partnership:

Your visa requirements must enable you to apply for a partner visa in Australia. You and your partner must have lived together at least a year before the application. She and her spouse have to agree to live a life without others. Every separation must be temporary, e.g.

What happens next?

If the assessment officer determines that you are in a real relationship and meet all other conditions, you will receive a temporary partner visa to stay in Australia or to visit Australia. The temporary partner visa is valid until the permanent visa is set. Permanent residence documents can be submitted two years after the provisional partner visa was issued. Permanent residence visa are issued if you can prove that the connection is continuous and real. If you have been married for three years or have lived in a DE FACTO partnership, or if you have a child out of the relationship, you can at the same time apply for temporary and temporary and apply.

If your DE FACTO relationship is less than 12 months:

You can apply for an Australian partner visa, even if you and your partner have not been together for 12 months. The 12-month threshold can be dispensed with if your relationship is registered by state or area legislation in accordance with the Acte Interpretation (registered relationship). The approval of the registration varies depending on the state and territory. You and her spouse have to agree to live a life together without others. This requires money division, public recognition as a couple and house information. Your partner must live or intend to do this with them.

What happens next?

If the assessment officer determines that you are in a real relationship and meet all other conditions, you will receive a temporary partner visa to stay in Australia or to visit Australia. The temporary partner visa is valid until the permanent visa is set. Permanent residence documents can be submitted two years after the provisional partner visa was issued. Permanent residence visa are issued, provided you can prove that the relationship is constant and real. If you have been married for three years or have lived in a de facto partnership, you can be temporarily and for temporary and apply for constant partner visa at the same time.


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