Elevate Your Style With a 360 Lace Wig

Elevate Your Style With a 360 Lace Wig

Tops are available in different shapes and styles to meet the various requirements and needs of each customer. This innovation in the wig industry made it possible to find a wig that fits every woman, including the popular 360 top wig.

Many women carry these wigs for important events; This is because these wigs cannot do it wrong. The selection of styling options that can give these wigs is numerous and appealing. This specific function cannot be found in a different type.

If you are new to the 360 ​​wigs, remain solid as we check all tips and secrets behind the trendy wig.

What are 360 ​​top wigs?

In recent years, the wigs have mainly been made with tips (top fronts) or on the sides and in the middle. Afterwards several revolutions occurred, and now some wigs (360 top wigs) laces that cover the entire edges of the human head from front to back, especially if they are prepared.

The 3 advantages of wearing a 360 wig

There are 3 main advantages of wearing a 360 wig. If you read on, you will see the various reasons why women are so connected to these wigs. The list is stunning from one benefit to the other.

  • Easy adaptation and styling

Wigs producers have progressed the production of wigs so far that we now have wigs that can be styled and adapted to all the shape of which they can think of. The presence of the tip around the corners of the head gives him this advantage over other top cakes. So you can do your activities without having to worry about your wig. By only combing the hair from one side to the other, you have created a style that looks just like your natural hair.

To avoid that you know that you are taking a wig, the solution is to decide a wig like the 360 ​​wig. There is a kind of naturalistic appearance that is unsurpassed; This is at the top that was placed around the hairline. These wigs are mainly produced with human hair, which makes the wigs look more natural.

Premium or nothing! With the 360 ​​wigs there is no room for inferiority complexes. Nothing can beat. The luxury mood that radiates this wig is what many celebrities use for most stage performances and price nights. This is because the wig even exudes everything it should. The interesting part of this wig is that nobody knows that you have a wig on your head.

How to install a human hair 360 wigs

Not only let us understand what the advantages of these wigs include and we go to the most important part of the guide. We will carefully travel with you through this gradual tutorial to install a 360 wig. This is important to increase your style.

For versatile styling, you have to do the installation correctly. Read on for our detailed tutorials.

Step 1: Make Cornrows and/or wear a wig cap

The first step towards a decent installation is the use of wig caps or even better if you braid your hair in large corn rough. Depending on the department of the wig, you braid your hair in the middle or a side part. Alternatively, choose a wig cap that fits your complexion and skin tone. Use a binding spray for the extra to capture the front edges of the wig cap. This improves stability, security and a more natural look.

Step 2: Carefully cut out the excess tip

Since the wig passes the head on the 360-cutting the tip is important so that the hair looks more natural at the end. Make sure to avoid excessive cutting that could destroy the edges of the wig. Leave your cut considerable, but exactly for certain areas of your tip.

Step 3: Adjust your natural line

The aim is to have a naturally looking hairline with a naturally looking density. To create this, pick your hair with a tweezer into the front layers to create baby hair. Don’t think about the hair because the hairoire would look sparse. Some wig specialists often opt for a razor. Because it helps to create irregular patterns in the pointed hair system. Many women love this part because of the natural glow.

Step 4: Apply a quality glue

Carefully place your wig along the hairline and ensure that the edges correspond to the edges of your natural hair. Learn a high -quality glue on the edges of the tip from front to back. A frequently used example of glue is the got2b glue. Wait a few seconds after the application so that it can dry. Disconnect your baby hair with your comb so that you are not laid down by the glue.

Step 5: Style your wig

If your 360 wig is firmly placed on your scalp, you can change your wig at this time. Even if it means cutting the hair or applying warmth, this is the stage in which your dream style becomes true. Use the corresponding styling tools to smooth/curl up the hair, or put it in deep waves. Most women prefer a low or high ponytail, half a heights/depths and rolls because they look very natural from all angles. Others prefer to add accessories such as frontal ligaments, scunchies or even pens. All of this increases its appearance to a maximum level. The choice is absolutely with you.

Step 6: The extras

What are the extras? Here we check things like concealer to the front tip so that it integrates perfectly with the skin tone and the color. The tip here is to use the right color of concealer that is exactly the skin shadow. Do you also remember the baby hair? At this point, use a good edge control of the styling gel with a brush to carefully put your baby hair in any desired style. Always be gently with the extras so that it does not spoil the shine and the ordinance of real hair.


Overall, these are some of the high-yield information, which you need to know about 360 lace frontally. As soon as you can get an understanding of 360 wigs, you will become a professional in little time. If you don’t have any now, you can check Hermosa hair for different types of these wigs.

Don’t forget to be more intended when it comes to maintaining your wigs and taking care of them. This will take your 360 wigs for so long.


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