How Much Is My Compensation Worth for Rear-End Accidents in New Mexico?

How Much Is My Compensation Worth for Rear-End Accidents in New Mexico?

Did you know that tail collisions make up around 29% of car accidents in the country? While most rear accidents are not devastating, even the slightest effect on the rear can be considered compensation, depending on the circumstances of the accident.

If you or your beloved person were just involved in a rear accident, it is only natural to be surprised at the settlement amount that the accident is worth. Read on to find out the payment amount that your rear accident may be worth.

What is the average payment for a rear collision?

There is no average payment amount, since the circumstances in connection with the collisions vary in the context of rear lines. Several factors influence the settlement amount for which they are qualified, including the following:

Liability and negligence

Someone should be negligent if, under certain circumstances, they do not properly behave and harm others. The drivers have a duty of care towards other drivers and passengers. If this duty of care is not observed, this leads to negligence.

To prove negligence in the event of a rear accident, you should:

  • Show that the driver owed you a diligent duty of care
  • Prove that the driver violated this duty of care
  • Provide that this cause of care led to injuries and other damage

It is worth noting that “duty of care” is the obligation of the other driver to act sensibly in order to avoid others. Since New Mexico is a comparative state of fault, victims of collisions of rear lines only receive compensation according to their share of fault. For example, if you were responsible for the accident, you will only receive 50% of the total damage. If you were a 70% guilt, you will only receive 30%.

Evidence and documentation

If you are a victim of a rear accident, you have to present a strong case for your claim to sailing. This requires solid, undeniable evidence that the other driver was responsible for their injuries and other damage.

Frequent evidence of rear accidents include the following:

  • Police reports
  • Photos
  • Video material
  • Testimonies
  • Expert testimony

According to New Mexico Statutes § 66-7-207 (2018), the drivers who are involved in an accident with damage of over 500 USD must submit a written report to the Ministry of Transport within five days of the accident. Officials who examine the accident must do the same within 24 hours of their investigation. These reports are among the most important evidence to promote their claim.

Type and scope of the damage

The more damage you suffer from the accident, the higher the compensation you receive. The compensation for accidents in New Mexico falls in two main categories: economical and not economical. The former refers to material financial losses, while the latter are difficult to quantify losses in monetary terms. This is because the losses are immaterial, i.e. emotional stress or pain and suffering.

Economic damage is quantified by adding the total financial costs of the actual damage. The lawyer adds the medical costs, the costs for vehicles, wages and similar expenses to receive the payment amount for economic damage. In the event of non-economic damage, on the other hand, the billing amount can be determined either using the Pro Diem or Multiplier method.

Below you will find a brief explanation for every method

  • The Pro Diem method: With this method you get a dollar amount for every day where you experience pain and suffering or emotional stress. In some cases, the Pro Diem method can give the plaintiffs a more realistic number compared to a lump sum.
  • The multiplier form method: Here the economic damage is multiplied by a certain factor in order to obtain the non -economic damage amount. The more severe your injuries are, the higher the multiplication factor.

Some dishes also use a combination of these methods.

How much compensation should I expect?

It is difficult to determine the exact amount that you can expect after a rear accident. However, most victims of such accidents receive between $ 10,000 and $ 100,000 depending on the above. By hiring an experienced and experienced lawyer to meet your claims, it improves your chances of receiving more compensation. This applies in particular if you decide to go to court.

Get the help of an experienced load-end collision lawyer

The New Mexico Act protects the rights of injured or damaged victims of rear collisions. If you or a beloved person are involved in a collision on the rear, you are entitled to find compensation. The compensation amount you receive depends on the severity of the accident and the percentage of your guilt.

For the best result, you should obtain the services of a reputable and experienced lawyer. Not only will they help you submit your claim, but you will also negotiate with the insurance company so that you will not get the short end of the stick.


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