The Beginner’s Guide to Choosing the Right Disc Golf

The Beginner’s Guide to Choosing the Right Disc Golf

You have already enjoyed your time to meet the putting green to play golf. But then you discovered discgolf, a sport that you can enjoy outdoors without having to use a club and ball.

The first step to enjoy this funny sport is to invest in your first CD. Here you will find some tips that will help you choose the best of a variety of disc golf sets:

First understand the flight assessment system

Before choosing a CD, it is very important to understand how the flight rating system works so that you can buy a CD that fits your playing style. This system is basically divided into four categories: speed, sliding, turning and fading.

Speed ​​dictates the ability of the CD to travel through the air and it is rated by 1-14. Gleit, on the other hand, describes the ability of a disc to keep in the air for a long time. As a beginner, it is best that you decide a slice with a maximum glide for better distance.

Turn is evaluated from +1 to -5 and describes the tendency of a intervertebral disc to bend directly after it has been released by the player. CDs, which are as +1 with a lower rotation of -5, are a lower turn, while the denominator rather turns over. On the other hand, fading the tendency of a intervertebral disc to turn left at the end of its flight. Disks, which are rated 0 with 0, are more likely to fly straight and those who have rated 5 turn left.

Understand the different types of golf panes

Golf discs can look the same for a beginner, but they are actually very different. There are four types of golf panes: distance drivers, fairway drivers, mid-range discs and putters. If you are a beginner, it is advisable to invest in any kind of CD, so you have variety when you play.

A distance driver is specially made to give you the maximum distance when throwing your disc. Since it is fastest from all types of discs, it is also experience and practice to properly control and maneuver. This does not make distance drivers very suitable for beginners.

A Fairway driver is much easier to control and is specially designed for shorter drives. But since it is much slower than a distance driver, you need electricity and speed to throw it properly. This means that you have to practice a lot before you can really handle a Fairway driver efficiently.

A mid-range CD is 50 to 100 meters away and is the easiest to handle from all types of discs that you normally use by beginners and interludes.

A putter, on the other hand, is designed for these approximation recordings, which you have to take if you are already closer to the basket. For this purpose, a putter usually flies slower and in the shortest distances, which makes it very easy to control.


After you know one or two things via golf slices, you can buy from our selection of discgolf sets, discs and accessories.


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