The Maldives, Your Perfect Honeymoon Destination!

The Maldives, Your Perfect Honeymoon Destination!

Congratulations to Lovebirds! You have now bound the big knot and are ready to get excited about joyful marriage for a lifetime! After the reception, your family and friends gather around your limousine to say goodbye to your eyes with happy tears and to wish you all the best on the long and beautiful path in front of us! After all, you can tear yourself off from your loving bracket and get into the limousine where it is time to open a bottle of champagne and share your first private toast as a youngworthy! The driver steps on the gas to accelerate them to the airport, from where they fly out to start what they were most looking forward to your honeymoon!

All of this sounds wonderful and it is so, but to rewind a little, you have to answer a very important question long before your wedding day, if you go for this particularly unique experience? It has to be far away and fantastic somewhere, but where? We have an idea to share. This is your chance to enjoy this tropical holiday that you have always dreamed of. Make your reservations with one of the ultra luxurious only honeymoon resorts in the Maldives Islands! That is what is really about, really as far as possible to a goal that is guaranteed to be a pure bliss!

Now back to this limousine, your suitcases with your sexiest swimsuits, your snorkeling equipment, beach towels and a large tube sunscreen, because you will come the beautiful tropical beach here!

It’s a long journey, but it is worth it, every minute in which you are waiting to fly around the globe, go through customs and go on board the yacht that you carry there to your Iceland retreat, will be forgotten if yours Toes first the touch of pristine white sands of a wonderful, sun -drenched Maldive beach! You are really ThereAnd for the first time they are only together as a man and woman! So what will you do first? Of course, take a look at your noble resort room! Now you can finally get out of this travel clothing, take a hot shower and hit the beach.

… Well, it was a few hours ago and they are still in there. Leave – no matter, maybe you will come out for dinner!

Ah, it’s your first morning in the Maldives! After taking care of an urgent business last night while ordering a room service, and another bottle of champagne, you are up and ready to meet the beach, maybe a long massage in the spa, then under the fluctuating palms to eat at noon, then – where did you go? Oh, the non -disturbing sign is back in front of the door, so we leave our Lovebirds there in your nest!

Ah, the Maldives, it’s for lovers!


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