What Are the Characteristics of Gambling Addiction?

What Are the Characteristics of Gambling Addiction?

The recent UKGC examinations have shown that more than 2,000 people are looking for help for their gambling dependency at casinos per year, not on Gamestop. “Although the number of people who are looking for help for gambling has been falling for years, the proportion of people who have problems with the online gambling is growing. And there are relatively many young people among them, ”says the UKGC.

Recognize gambling dependency

The recent UKGC examinations have shown that more than 2,000 people are looking for help for their gambling dependency per year.

“Although the number of people who are looking for help for gambling has been falling for years, the proportion of people who have problems with the online gambling is growing. And there are relatively many young people among them, ”says the UKGC.

The definition and properties of gambling dependency

The term “gambling dependency” is now replaced by “gambling disorder” in psychiatry and psychology. A gambling disorder is defined as a persistent and recurring gambling behavior that leads to significant impairment or stress. To meet the diagnosis, at least 4 of the following features must be present:

  • Have to play with increasing quantities to achieve the desired excitement.
  • Be restless and irritated when you try to reduce or stop.
  • Repeated unsuccessful attempts to reduce, leave or control.
  • Often thinking of games of chance (re -experiencing it, the next games are planning how to get money to play).
  • They often play to escape problems or uncomfortable feelings (helplessness, guilt, concern, sadness).
  • The gambling to win money again lost money (hunting losses).
  • Lies to hide the severity of gambling behavior.
  • Important relationships, work, education, career endanger or lose through gambling.
  • You need money from others to alleviate hopeless financial problems.

Even if someone does not meet these criteria, a problem game can occur. Various studies use a scale to divide chance players in Gambler with little risk, risky players and problematic players:

Player with little risk

Has played, but never lost more than € 100 in one day or lost more than € 100, but does not meet any of the above criteria.

Risky player

Has lost more than 100 US dollars a day and fulfills one or two of the above criteria.

Problematic player

Has lost more than 100 US dollars a day and meets three or four of the above criteria.

Causes and risk factors of gambling dependency in non -Gamstop casinos

The exact causes of gambling dependency are not fully known, but there are several risk factors that can contribute to the development of gambling dependency.

One of the most important risk factors seems to be a genetic predisposition. Studies have shown that the risk of developing gambling dependency is greater in people with a family history of addiction problems. In addition, the environment also seems to play a role, e.g. B. the availability of gambling games and the social acceptance of gambling. In addition, personality traits such as impulsiveness, search for sensation and low self -esteem can contribute to the development of gambling dependency. Psychological problems such as depression and anxiety disorders can also play a role, since people with these problems see gambling as a way to reduce their negative feelings.

Finally, there are certain groups that have an increased risk of developing gambling dependency, such as: Use other forms of gambling dependency.

It is important to emphasize that one or more risk factors do not automatically mean that someone actually develops gambling dependency.


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