Why do you need a cocktail bar shaker?

Why do you need a cocktail bar shaker?

To prepare some drinks, you have to mix several ingredients thoroughly. You can use every container that closes enough. There is a specially invented device for this -a cocktail bar.

What is a shackler and what is it for?

This device is similar to the shape of a glass that is firmly closed with a special lid. It is an integral part of a bar.

Various containers for mixing content were used thousands of years ago for a very long time. Sealed glasses were used in South American countries. Until the middle of the 19th century, bartenders used a few glasses while mixing liquids and poured the liquid from one to the other. It is believed that one of the bartender has invented the prototype of the shaker and connected the glasses of different sizes. At the beginning of the last century, the invention began to gain popularity.

Today’s shakers are made of stainless steel, glass and plastic.

Ice cools the drink, as many believe, add water and add water. And above all, it acts as an internal mixer and helps to stir the drink.

Types of shaking

In many places, this article has its design features, which differ slightly from its counterparts. The three most famous types of bar -shakers are Boston (Americans), Schuster and French. Thanks to creative jobs, Shaker have appeared in the form of space missiles and aircraft, roosters, penguins and other varieties.

  • Schuster. This shaker is compiled from three components: the main glass made of metal, a conical lid with a filter in the form of perforations and a cap that covers the filter.
  • American or Boston. It is considered the most popular of all varieties. It consists of glasses that are sealed together by a light blow. Both components can be metal or a glass. The first option is considered more durable. The glasses can be weighted for additional weight and rigidity.
  • French. This type is characterized by its elegance and convenience. Nevertheless, it is less common in bars than in Boston and cobbler.

What criteria follow when choosing a shaker

Now that we understand what a shaker is and what it is needed for, it remains to be selected to choose the right one. For a beginner, it is not easy to select a device for mixing drinks.

The best choice for use in a bar is a metal that is made of thick steel. The drink will cool down well and take longer than its counterparts.

A cobbler is more suitable for beginners because it is easier to use without the necessary skills.


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